Source code for iocdoc.utils

common routines for many modules

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support                       description
============================= ====================================================
:func:`chdir`                 change current IOC shell directory
:func:`datenow`               get a file either from the cache or from storage
:func:`detailedExceptionLog`  log the details of an exception
:class:`FileRef`              associate filename and line number of an object
:func:`logMessage`            log a message
:func:`strip_outer_pair`      remove outer symbols from text
:func:`strip_outer_quotes`    strip outer quotes (either single or double) from text
:func:`remove_comments`       strip out a C-style comment 
:const:`LOG_FILE`             default log file name 
:func:`strip_parentheses`     remove outer parentheses from text
:func:`strip_quotes`          strip outer double quotes from text
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import datetime
import logging
import os
import re
import sys

C_LANGUAGE_COMMENT_RE = r'//.*?$|/\*.*?\*/|\'(?:\\.|[^\\\'])*\'|"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"'
        re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE

LOG_FILE = 'iocdoc.log'
logging_started = False

[docs]def chdir(newDir, nfsMounts={}): ''' change the current working directory for the IOC shell :param newDir: name of new directory :return: success (True) or failure (False) ''' newDir = strip_quotes(newDir) if not os.path.exists(newDir): logMessage("cannot chdir(%s)" % newDir) # FIXME: fails with chdir(''), , needs to know the default to be used # FIXME: fails with chdir('/xorApps/...'), need to check the nfsMount dictionary return False pwd = os.getcwd() if pwd != newDir: logMessage("leave: "+ pwd) logMessage("enter: "+ newDir) os.chdir(newDir) return True
[docs]def datenow(): '''return date and time now as a string''' return str(
[docs]def detailedExceptionLog(title='', print_traceback=True): ''' enter details of an exception to the log (developer tool) ''' import traceback if len(title) > 0: logMessage(title) info = sys.exc_info() logMessage(str(info[0])) logMessage(info[1]) if print_traceback: #traceback.print_exc() logMessage(traceback.format_exc())
[docs]class FileRef(object): '''associate filename and line number of an object''' def __init__(self, filename, linenumber, colnumber, obj): self.filename = filename self.line_number = linenumber self.column_number = colnumber self.object = obj def __str__(self): # return '(%s,%d,%d) %s' % (self.filename, self.line_number, self.column_number, str(self.object)) # TODO: can this be brief yet unambiguous? fname = os.path.split(self.filename)[-1] return '(%s,%d,%d)' % (fname, self.line_number, self.column_number)
[docs]def logMessage(text): ''' log a message ''' global logging_started if not logging_started: logging.basicConfig(filename=LOG_FILE, filemode='w', level=logging.INFO) #logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logging_started = True' ' + datenow() + ' ' + str(text)) print text sys.stdout.flush()
[docs]def remove_comments(text): ''' strip out a C-style comment :: /* such as this */ :see: ''' def replacer(match): s = if s.startswith('/'): return "" else: return s return re.sub(C_LANGUAGE_COMMENT_PATTERN, replacer, text)
[docs]def strip_outer_pair(text, left, right = None): ''' remove outer symbols from text :param text: string :param left: symbol on left side :param right: symbol on right side (default is left-side symbol) :return: modified string :raise Exception: left and right must have len(..) == 1 ''' if right == None: right = left if len(left) != 1: raise Exception, "left symbol must be a single character, given: %s"%left if len(right) != 1: raise Exception, "right symbol must be a single character, given: %s"%right txt = text.strip() # only strip if both are present if txt[0] == left and txt[-1] == right: txt = txt[1:-1] return txt
[docs]def strip_outer_quotes(text): ''' strip outer quotes (either single or double) from text :return: text without comments ''' s0 = text[0] result = text if s0 in ('"', "'"): result = strip_outer_pair(text, s0) return result
[docs]def strip_parentheses(text): ''' remove outer parentheses from text :param text: string :return: modified string ''' return strip_outer_pair(text, "(", ")")
[docs]def strip_quotes(text, quote='"'): ''' strip outer double quotes from text :return: text without comments ''' if len(text) > 0 and text[-1] == quote: text = text[:-1] if len(text) > 0 and text[0] == quote: text = text[1:] return text